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1. 소개

연구실 명칭: 기후융합프로세스연구실(Integrated Climate Process Lab: ICP랩)

지도교수: 이은걸 교수

위치: 경희대학교 스페이스21 간호이과대학 525호

실험실 홈페이지 : http://climate.khu.ac.kr/

2. 구성원 소개 


- 임아영(박사2기), 지표-대기상호작용


- 윤형준(석박2기), 극한 기후 현상, 건조기후


- 김민주(석사4기), 극한 기후 현상

- 김상우(석사2기), 토지피복 및 이용 변화, 북극한파, 기후갈등

- 한창옥(석사1기), 극한 기후 현상, 극지기후

3. 졸업생 소개

- 임아영(2024), 동아시아 몬순지역의 토지피복 및 토지이용 전이와 기온 변화 탐색

- 김예원(2024), 오스트레일리아 남동부 지역의 산불 발생 위험도와 지표-대기 상호작용 간의 연관성 연구

- 오지은(2022), 북한의 식생변화가 여름철 기온에 미치는 영향 연구 -생지물리적 프로세스 탐색을 중심으로-, 국립생태원

4. 연구 분야

 Google Scholar Citations

연구논문 -

Im, A., Lee, E., and He, Y. (2024), Detecting land cover and land use transitions and the associated temperature changes in the East Asian monsoon region. The Geographical Journal, 00, e12590.
Oh, J., and Lee, E. (2023), Competing effects of vegetation on summer temperature in North Korea, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 152, 913931.
Lee, E., Im, A., Oh, J., Song, M., Choi, Y., and Choi, D (2022), Improved Seasonal Definition and Projected Future Seasons in South Korea, Meteorological Applications, 29(6), e2110.
Kim, M., and Lee, E. (2022), Validation and Comparison of Climate Reanalysis Data in the East Asian Monsoon Region, Atmosphere, 13(10), 1589.
Park, J.H., Lee, E., Fechter-Leggett, E. D., Williams, E., Yadav, S. K., Bakshi, A., and Chew, G. L (2022), Associations of Emergency Department Visits for Asthma with Precipitation and Temperature on Thunderstorm Days: A Time-Series Analysis of Data from Louisiana, USA, 2010-2012, Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(8), 087003.
He, Y., Oh, J., Lee, E., and Kim, Y (2022), Land Cover and Land Use Mapping of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Region from 1982 to 2015, Land, 11(3), 391.
Yadav, S. K., Lee, E., and He, Y (2022), Positive Associations of Vegetation with Temperature over the Alpine Grasslands in the Western Tibetan Plateau during May, Earth Interactions, 26(1), 94-111.
Oh, J., and Lee, E. (2021), 남북한 여름철 강수량과 북반구 해수면온도 경년변동 간의 연관성 분석(Associations of Interannual Variabilities between Summer Precipitation in North and South Korea and Sea Surface Temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere), 기후연구(Journal of climate research), 16(1), 19-32.
북한지리백서 (2020), 북한지리백서: 인문, 자연, 환경(White Paper on North Korean Geography: Humanities, Nature, Environment)- 박수진·안유순 외 13, 3장 북한의 기후(Ch. 3. Climate of North Korea by E. Lee), 푸른길, ISBN: 978-89-6291-878-6, pp. 384.
He, Y., E. Lee, and J. S. Mankin (2020), Seasonal tropospheric cooling in Northeast China associated with cropland expansion, Environmental Research Letters,
Shull, N., and E. Lee* (2019), April Vegetation Dynamics and ForestClimate Interactions in Central Appalachia, Atmosphere, 10 (12), 765-778. (* Corresponding author)
Kim, S., E. Lee, S. Lee (2019), Effects of Land Surface and Atmospheric Synoptic Conditions on the Asian Dust observed over South Korea, 기후연구, 14 (1), 33-45.
Lee, E., and Y. He (2018), Could the enhanced forests reduce summer warming in the southern China?, 기후연구, 13 (4), 345-359.
Lee, E., Y. He, and Y.-L. Park (2018), Effects of climate change on the phenology of Osmia cornifrons: implications for population management, Climatic Change, 150, 305-317.
He, Y., T. A. Warner, B. McNeil, and E. Lee* (2018), Reducing uncertainties in applying remotely sensed land use and land cover maps in land-atmosphere interaction: identifying change in space and time, Remote Sensing, 10, 506. (* Corresponding author)
Shanmugasundaram, J., E. Lee*, and G. Srinivasan (2018), Characterizing pentad rainfall variations during the North-East Indian monsoon season over the southeastern peninsular India, International J. of Climatology, 38: e1044-e1060. doi:10.1002/joc.5432. (* Corresponding author)
Shanmugasundaram, J., and E. Lee* (2018), Oceanic and atmospheric conditions associated with the pentad rainfall over the southeastern peninsular India during the Northeast Indian Monsoon season, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 81, 1-14. doi.org/10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2017.11.001. (* Corresponding author)
Lee, E., Y. He, and J. Shanmugasundaram (2017), "Geography of Monsoons." In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press.
He, Y., E. Lee, and T. A. Warner (2017), A time series of annual land use and land cover maps of China from 1982 to 2013 generated using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 199, 201-217.
Shanmugasundaram, J., Y. Gunnell, A. E. Hessl, and E. Lee* (2017), Societal response to monsoon variability in Medieval South India: lessons from the past for adapting to climate change, The Anthropocene Review, 1-26. doi: 10.1177/2053019617695343. (* Corresponding author)
Liang, J., et al. (E. Lee as one of the co-authors) (2016), Positive biodiversityproductivity relationship predominant in global forests, Science 354, aaf8957, doi: 10.1126/science.aaf8957.
Lee, E., R. Beida, J. Shanmugasundaram, and H. Basara Richter (2016), Land surface and atmospheric conditions associated with heat waves over the Chickasaw Nation in the South Central United States, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024659.
Ahn, J. J., Y. Son, Y. He, E. Lee, and Y.-L. Park (2016), Effects of Temperature on Development and Voltinism of Chaetodactylus krombeini (Acari: Chaetodactylidae): Implications for Climate Change Impacts, PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161319. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161319.
Ma, W., J. Liang, J. Cumming, E. Lee, A. Welsh, J. Watson, and M. Zhou (2016), Fundamental shifts of Central Hardwood Forests under Climate Changes, Ecological Modelling, 332, 28-41.
He, Y., and E. Lee* (2016), Empirical relationships of sea surface temperature and vegetation activity with summer rainfall variability over the Sahel, Earth Interactions, 20, 1-18. (* Corresponding author)
Lee, E., J. Burkhart, S. H. Olson, A. A. Billings, E. J. Harner, and J. A. Patz (2016), Relationships of climate and irrigation factors with malaria parasite incidences in two climatologically dissimilar regions in India, J. Arid Environments, 124, 214-224.

수행과제 (Grants)

National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단- 이공분야 기초연구 사업: 기본연구), Effects of land use/land cover changes on summer monsoon variability in East Asia (PI), [Jun 2020~Feb 2023]


한국기상청 연구용역 , 기후변화 시나리오 분석: 계절적 기준 및 변화(Co-PI), [20204~ 202011]


KHU 신진연구과제, Effects of land use/cover changes on monsoon climate in East Asia (PI), Sept 2019-Aug 2020.


WVU Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (PSCoR), Effects of human-induced land use/cover changes on summer monsoon rainfall over East Asia (PI), July 2016- June 2017.



NIH-NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), Climate change, heat exposure, and acute morbidity in a Native American population (Co-PI), Aug 2014-June 2015.



USDA-NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture), Effect of climate change on multitrophic interactions among solitary pollinator bees, bee parasites, and crops (Co-PI), Jan 2014-Dec 2015.



WVU Senate Grant, Recent land cover change and its impacts on monsoon climate in the Sahel (PI), July 2013- June 2014.



WVU ECAS Applied Computational Sciences Innovation Awards (ACSIA), Developing malaria forecasting model for India using climate and vegetation datasets (PI), Aug. 2012- May 2013

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