학과 및 학위종 영문표기
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석사 학위종명 (영문명) |
박사 학위종명 (영문명) |
임상한의학과 Department of Clinical Korean Medicine |
한의학(간계내과학) Korean Medicine(Internal Medicine of Liver System) |
한의학석사 Master of Korean Medicine |
한의학박사 Doctor of Philosophy in Korean Medicine |
한의학(심계내과학) Korean Medicine(Cardiology and Neurology) |
한의학(소화기학(비계내과학)) Korean Medicine(Gastroenterology) |
한의학(폐계내과학) Korean Medicine(Respiratory System and Allergy & Immunology) |
한의학(신계내과학) Korean Medicine(Internal Medicine of Nephro-Urology & Endocrine System) |
한의학(부인과학) Korean Medicine(Obstetrics and Gynecology) |
한의학(소아과학) Korean Medicine(Pediatrics) |
한의학(안이비인후피부과학) Korean Medicine(Ophthalmo-Otorhinolaryngology & Dermatology) |
한의학(진단·생기능의학) Korean Medicine(Biofunctional Medicine & Diagnostics) |
한의학(신경정신과학) Korean Medicine(Neuropsychiatry) |
한의학(침구의학) Korean Medicine(Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine) |
한의학(재활의학) Korean Medicine(Rehabilitation Medicine) |
한의학(사상체질의학) Korean Medicine(Sasang Constitutional Medicine) |
한의학(임상종양학) Korean Medicine(Oncology) |
한의학(한의약임상연구학) Korean Medicine(Clinical Research of Korean Medicine) |